HEC for Emulsion Paint with Standard Stability and Performance

by | May 31, 2023 | Cellulose Ether | 0 comments

The first thing we need to think about when we want to paint the walls is choosing wall colors. Some of us are comfortable with white. It is often the choice as wall paint for the interior or exterior. But actually, many other color choices are certainly more varied to choose from for our homes. However, choosing the material as the emulsion is also crucial. HEC for emulsion paint is the right solution. So, what are the types of emulsions?

Talking about HEC for Emulsion Paint

Home decorating is a very interesting thing. Here we are required to be creative, especially in the selection of materials and budgeting.

For example, in choosing a good paint color, of course, various factors need to be considered, ranging from the combination of the standard wall paint, the type of room, and the color of the furniture that supports the area of the room where the paint color will be chosen. Therefore, it is necessary to consider when choosing good paint.

Painting is always related to emulsion. What is emulsion paint? An emulsion is usually a suspension of lumps of one liquid with water. This is the condition where the two liquids are immiscible to each other.

Water-based wall paint is also called emulsion paint, where there is an emulsion between water and oil in its formulation. It is now popular to use in many houses, residences, and offices. In the emulsion, each component has an emulsifier in the form of a surfactant. The elements of paint are a binder, pigment, solvent, and other additives.

Additives are added to the paint according to the solvent used, what type of resin, how it is used, and the drying mechanism. Each additive supplier usually provides clear information about what and how additives should be used. So, it would be very helpful. With the optimal use of emulsifiers, we will get a sufficient emulsification effect in wall paint. This will also make it easier to apply paint.

Series chemical processes bring out cellulose ether for many advantages. We can apply now HEC for emulsion paint. However, it is quite tricky to find better HEC quality in the local or global market. A good HEC comes with specific properties such as thickening and gelling properties, the stability of the pH level, and water solubility as well as water retention.

It is mostly in the form of transparent powder with a high formulation. In its manufacturing, it is controlled for some factors such as temperature, contents, moisture, the value of pH, and viscosity.

HEC for Emulsion Paint Compliant Thickening Effect

People choose latex paint over acrylic paint because of the perfection of the thick coating on any area. HEC for emulsion paint is a water-soluble polymer and is a nonionic material that functions as a thickening additive in the production of latex paints. The presence of HEC in the paint can improve the overall application and effectiveness of the paint in any area of the field.

Hydroxypropyl ethyl cellulose also supports the stability and durability of latex paints. While acrylic paint is less able to coat the surface properly in a very wide area. There are three thickening effects in HEC for emulsion paint that you can rely on. The thickening effect is high, medium, and low density. These effects greatly determine the way of different applications.

For the medium thickening effect, you can apply for high-volume pigment concentrations. While you can use a high thickening effect for mastic coating so that it can protect building construction and maintain its sturdy resistance for a long period of time.

How to Apply It

Painting is one of the most widely chosen methods because it is considered the most practical and relatively inexpensive. In line with this need, the paint industry is also competing to produce various types of paint, not only for creating new colors but also for special characters that are deliberately produced for special needs as well.

Below are the steps for applying HEC, especially in emulsion paint.

  • First, determine the addition method that will be used. The simplest way is to add HEC during the pigment mixing phase. This method is quite efficient and saves time. The steps are adding solvent (purified water), and stirring at a low speed. At the same time, we can add HEC. Then we can add appropriate additives such as inhibitors and make sure all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  • This step is quite the same as the first step where it begins with preparing the mother liquor. Here we need those materials with high concentrations. Then slowly add to the latex paint that is already available.
  • Choose the type of solvent to make a slurry substance. Then, choose an organic solvent. Iced water is proven to be able to make the process faster. After mixing well, we can apply HEC for emulsion paint. The time required to make the entire mixture hydrolyzed is about 5 to 30 minutes.

Brush the Paint Layer

The brush paint technique has been used by people since then to achieve an even finish and smooth appearance for painted surfaces. Latex paint can also be used for airbrushing with a few modifications. You need to take the right amount of diluent around 20 percent water for a good ratio of airbrush technique. Don’t forget to filter the paint before putting it in the airbrush tank. You can use a cloth filter for the paint so that any lumps can be removed.

These lumps can damage brushes if left unchecked. Be sure to stir the paint thoroughly before use.

Paint Rolling Technique

HEC for emulsion paint makes it easy for people to use the familiar rolling technique. We need a roller as a tool to paint using latex paint with HEC. The roller is usually used to paint large areas of walls. The best way to use a roller is to put the roller in a container filled with paint first. After that, drain the roller for a while so that the paint that sticks isn’t too thick.

Many producing activities from manufacturers try to perform better formulation of HEC. Even some do specific research for developing the highest quality products. These efforts are done to provide excellent coating characteristics still at an affordable price. Modifications are also ways to always provide stability and good performance.