Many Designs of Wooden Doors

by | Sep 15, 2022 | woodworking | 0 comments

wooden doors design

Human, as God’s creation, loves something beautiful; that is why we love art creation, like painting, sculpture, carving, and other art creation that provoke our admiration. We love to make and see beautiful objects around us, including in our house. That is also the reason why we try to build our house beautifully, whether it’s design or its accessories and furniture. One of the house parts that could be made beautiful is the doors. The wooden doors that we use in our house can be designed beautifully and complete our pretty house. In this article, we will talk about some beautiful doors design that we can use for our house. 

Single Door With Simple Line Design 

Single door design will be matched in small size house design, so it will stay simple and not make an oversized impression. We can add simple line carving in the door, like a horizontal or vertical line, to beautify our door. We also can paint its line with a different color to make it more vibrant and attractive. But this simple line can be more complicated with a pattern like a squares or rectangle design. 

Double Door Design 

In a big size house, a double door could be perfect for installation because it will make a grand impression on the house, especially if we use it as the front door. The double door consists of two door-opening with various shapes like usual rectangles, ovals, or curves. We should pick the right shape that matches our house design in general. For example, it is better to use a rectangle shape door for a modern house design, but for a classic house like a Javanese house design, it could be nice to use an oval or curve shape door to add a more classic accent. In this double wooden door design, we can also apply pretty carving with a certain pattern we love, like diamond carving or even a flower pattern. 

Wooden Doors With Beautiful Carving 

Carving in the wood always becomes an attractive point in one particular art object, including doors. Flower pattern carving has become most favorite pattern because it looks classic yet still beautiful. We can apply flower pattern carving in the corner of the rectangle door to make it more pretty, or we can put it on the top of the oval door so the flower pattern is carved along the oval curve. 

If we like a simple pattern, we can choose a diamond pattern for our door. Just put the continuous diamond pattern around the door and paint it with special color to add more pretty accents. Another pattern that might become our choice is the leaves pattern. This pattern has a beautiful curve, but it is quite simple to flower pattern. It can be the best alternative pattern if we like simple but still has an elegant curve in it. We also could combine various patterns in our door if we love the complicated pattern. For example, we put both flower and diamond patterns at each angle on our doors. Another example, we can apply flowers, leaves, and also a diamond pattern to our door with the right proportion so it could be a magnificent door design. 

Half Or Stable Door Design 

Half or stable door design and also known as Dutch door is a door divided horizontally so that we can open the top half without opening the bottom half. This design usually uses in a house that has pets, so the animal cannot go in or out of the backyard. This door also uses if we want to get more air circulation from the backyard but still safe from the ground animal like ants or bugs. We can make a half-door design with various accessories, like adding a glass accent in the top half, simple line carving in both parts, or adding a classic door handle to make it beautiful. We can paint this door with a vibrant color like bright red, yellow, pink, or light green to complete our backyard garden nuance. 

To make beautiful wooden doors, we could discuss it with our carpenter because they know the perfect door design for your entire house. We can apply different designs for each door in the house as long as they fit with the house design and its function. Check also the best woodworking factory in Indonesia.